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Warcraft Retrospective 9: Grand Theft Artifact
So the orcs start the Beyond the Dark Portal story in a position mostly worse than they were in back at the start of Warcraft 1. Half their clans have been lost to the Second War, Orgrim Doomhammer has been captured, and the Dark Portal destroyed, so the remaining clans are left on a dying Draenor. One silver lining is that Gul’dan is dead too, so there’s nobody to drag the Horde back to its demonic days.
Warcraft Retrospective 8: Beyond the Dark Portal, the Manual
Beyond the Dark Portal is the first expansion pack ever released for a Blizzard game, and is in many ways an unusual one. For one, it doesn’t change the gameplay at all, introducing no new units1, buildings, or mechanics. It only adds two new campaigns, one per faction, and several multiplayer maps.
Except for hero units in campaigns, a mechanic that I’ll cover separately. ↩
Warcraft Retrospective 7: Reconquista
Just like in Warcraft 1, the two sides in Warcraft 2 are only cosmetically different except for caster units.
Warcraft Retrospective 6: Doomhammer Goes North
Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness was actually the first Warcraft game I ever played in my life, as a child in early school soon after it came out. I didn’t have a computer back then, so I played it on my friends’ computers. And I have a confession to make: when I played it, I didn’t know anything I’ve been talking about for the last four posts.
Warcraft Retrospective 5: Tides of Darkness, the Manual
Last time, we ended on Warcraft 1’s multiple-choice finale. Either the orcs conquered Stormwind Keep, or the humans drove them back into the portal they came from.
Warcraft Retrospective 4: Warcraft 1, the Human Campaign and Closing Thoughts
Now that we’re done with the Warcraft 1 orc campaign, let’s look at the other side of the conflict.
Warcraft Retrospective 3: Warcraft 1, the Orc Campaign
Based on the somber, detailed language of the Warcraft 1 manual, you might expect the game itself to have washed-out colors tending towards grey and brown, and an overall eerie, unsettling atmosphere slanted into horror.
Warcraft Retrospective 2: Warcraft 1, the Manual
One day, I did an interesting mental exercise. I rewatched the first Star Wars movie, Episode IV: A New Hope — or rather just Star Wars as it was known at release — pretending I was seeing it for the first time, and knew nothing whatsoever about the Star Wars setting as we’ve come to think of it.