Archive: Chaos Archives

Introducing Central Archives Single Sign-On! (For Real)

My last post made on April 1, with “enterprisey” or just stupid fad (NFTs) features, was of course an April Fools joke.

What I didn’t tell you was that one of these features, external app authorization, was in fact a real feature in development, and the screenshots were real, too. And now, I’m proud to annouce that Central Archives now provides an OAuth 2.0 authorization server and an identity provider for single sign-on!

What it means is that external websites and plugins can now provide a “Sign in with Central Archives” button that will act similarly to signing in with Google, Facebook, or Discord. You can even, if you choose to, share information about your verified Archives characters, so you won’t have to verify them again.

For a demo, see the demo client page.

Introducing Chaos Archives Enterprise Cloud Pro!

Hello everyone! As you all know, I’m constantly looking for ways to improve Chaos Archives in accordance with the best practices of modern website design and software industry. As the roleplay portal grows in popularity, so should its technologies mature.

I have done extensive research into the trends of contemporary websites and Internet platforms, and with them in mind, I’m happy to present the next iteration of Chaos Archives, named Chaos Archives Enterprise Cloud Pro.

New Security Features on Chaos Archives

With the recent spree of Discord account theft by hackers, I implemented some security features I long planned to add to Chaos Archives. In light of this, I’ve renamed the “My Account” page to “Account and Security” to better indicate its function.